*Journal Entry on napkins I found in my purse on 3.10.20*
I'm sitting here at the Laundromat, sitting atop the tall cabinets facing out- I don't really care how much of an idiot I looked like trying to get myself up here.
I can see safely over the rows of fiercely spinning washers so I can just watch the sunset ahead of me. I'm a bit of a disaster at the moment. I spent what felt like forever picking up my giant can of quarters off the floor of my car, my phone is at 2%, and a man ran after me with one of my bright orange pug socks in his hands.
Yes, thats mine.
Shit, I forgot to separate my whites, and lets face it, I probably wont be folding this laundry for another few days....but In the grand scheme of things I'm here, I'm healthy and I'm happy.
This lady with a giant black trash bag full of clothes just walked up next to me. She has on killer flared bell bottoms and a green beanie and I wonder if she's as happy to be here as I am. I wonder if she has gone through life with ups and downs and if she spends her evenings thinking about life as she cleans her damn undergarments. Maybe she's always loved life and never had to go through any hard life lessons-I just feel like with that much flare in those pants she has to of gone through something.
I'm kind of mesmerized by how this machine keeps spinning so fast, almost too fast. Its viciously whipping around all the contents inside-but just when I think the damn thing is going to shoot out from the floor and sky rocket into space, it gently and calmly slows its pace and the crazy cycle winds down and recuperates just in time for another session of wild spins.
It reminds me of life, honestly.
I am just noticing now that all of the washers are labeled with names. It's odd but yet fitting because life never stops spinning for anyone. My small loader is Noel. I dig the fact someone gave an inanimate object a sense of humanity.
I just looked out the window again and the glowing sun has now vanished and some smooth jazz is playing around me and a few other fellow laundry washers. I'm thinking about how I could have stayed at home (lord knows I could wear a different outfit everyday for the next 5 years with my clothes addiction), but this experience and this therapeutic vibe about this place makes me happy I took the time to come here.
4 minutes left and I'm starting to realize that I wouldn't really mind if my whites get discolored. I'm trying to embrace the beautiful mess that is my life.
I came here to do a Marketing plan for 2021 weddings, but journaling on the Dunkin' napkins Ive acquired in my purse seemed like a much better idea.
A Beatles song is playing and I just asked Siri to name this tune. I'm pretty sure the guy reading 'Of Mice And Men' beside me thinks I'm a trip- and I don't think he realizes people can talk to their phones and I think it's cute.
Everyone here has a purpose-not everyone is here to air their feelings on a napkin- some people just want pit stain free shirts and I get that. I really do.
My washer just beeped- and I feel good.
The bell bottoms were from a thrift store in Canada (I had to ask)
The song was Wild Honey Pie -The Beatles (a song probably way weirder than one of my soul searching session at this laundromat)
Big shout out to Noel for the clean laundry and for letting me enjoy one of those moments when life is just gently spinning.